What is the Core Distortion?
When we are developing as a fetus, the process of distortions and imbalances within our body structure begins . The most primal pattern that we are all born into is called the Core Distortion. It begins to form as early as 18 weeks into our development.
It develops first within cranium at the Sphenoid and Occiput bones, and in turn, spirals through our spine and into our pelvis. This causes and anterior tilt of our left ilium, posterior tilt of our right ilium, a tilting of the sacrum resulting in a lack of weight bearing support. This is the underlying cause of scoliosis (curvature of the spine) as the body begins to compensate. As well as TMJ (Temperomandibular joint) dysfunction as the the tilting in the pelvis is mirrored in the cranium causing imbalances to the jaw and orbital cavity.
As we grow and live our lives, we must each compensate for the underlying imbalance differently, as we all have different proportions, experiences, injuries, repetitive motions, emotional distress etc. This is how our bodies become wound up in our own unique ways.
After the Core Distortion in unwound out of the Cranium, this begins the process throughout the fascial structure of our bodies, but will inevitable hit restrictions within the soft tissue. This is where directed myofascial unwinding is applied to follow the body as it continues to come back into weight bearing support.
Sub-Patterns arise as the process of unwinding unfolds. As we have each layered our own unique set of Sub-Patterns on top of the Core Distortion depending on how we have compensated. There are many different types of Sub-Patterns, each relating to weaknesses or tension in certain parts of the body or emotional energy from un-integrated experiences.
Structural Energetic Therapy is unique in that it is the only current modality that identifies and releases this distortion, and not working within it's restrictions. The benefits to releasing this underlying pattern goes beyond the physical benefits, but also opens up our energetic potentials as well. This only becomes more and more apparent as the unwinding process continues to unfold; and releasing physical restrictions gives way to releasing emotional and energetic as well.
(Full body image previously published by Foot Levelers)